Three weeks left to go for the NC Retail Merchants Association project in downtown Raleigh, NC. While there is still a lot of work to do, confidence is high and activity is furious!
Above ceiling inspections have been obtained (big milestone). Ceiling tile installation is nearing completion. Floor finishes are underway on the 2nd floor.
Wood trim installation is complete. Painting is coming down the homestretch. Wood doors are being stained. Cabinetry has arrived for the new break room, kitchenette, and copy room and is mostly installed.
Construction is slated to be complete by June 30th. Because of the accelerated schedule, the design-build process made the most sense to NCRMA. Gontram Architecture and Ten Penny Construction have once again teamed up for this unique Design-Build opportunity. As a single-source delivery method, we control budget and schedule, taking a lot of the usual Owner-associated worry out of the project.