Michael Jordan Collision 2016-04-01 from Eddie Gontram on Vimeo.
More exciting work at the Michael Jordan Collision Center project in Durham, NC.
On the exterior, the new oil-sand separator tank (2,000-gallon concrete vault) was installed under the front parking lot. Given the amount of rock encountered in other areas, we were relieved this installation went fairly smoothly.
A new sidewalk and steps was formed and poured to connect the Upper Level with the main entrance at the Lower Level.
Metal stud framing is now complete on the interior, and electrical wall rough-in is also nearing completion. Plumbing rough-in finished earlier this week.
Finally, the paint booths arrived and are about 50% complete. They should be finished by the end of next week when the prep decks arrive.
This project is being provided to the Owner via the Architect-led Design-Build process with Ten Penny Construction.